Multiple Git Accounts, the darkside

When you are working with multiple Git accounts across different git-providers it’s hard to manage access to all these repositories. When you search for a solution you will find different ways to solve this problem. Both methods will be explained in detail but before we…

By Albert

Open in VSCodium

A Finder toolbar button to open files or folders in VSCodium

I recently switched from Visual Studio Code (on Mac) to VSCodium and missed Sertaç Özercan’s OpenInCode toolbar app. With that tool you can select a file or folder and click on the toolbar icon to open the selection in Visual Studio Code.

This post describes what I did to “restore” the toolbar button functionality for VSCodium.

By Albert

Switching to VSCodium

Visual Studio Code without the tracking and telemetry

Probably as many of you, I tried my share of code editors; TextMate, Sublime and Atom. A while ago I wrote a little app in Go(Lang) and someone pointed me to Visual Studio Code and Microsoft’s Go(Lang) plugin. I tried it and switched …

Until I read something about the FLOSS version of Visual Studio Code; VSCodium and switched again …

By Albert

Netherlands' most beautifull railway station

The railway station of Groningen has been chosen as the most beautifull railway station of the Netherlands. The old railway station is indeed very impressive. Not only the outside but also the inside is a must-see. The amount of authentic details is overwhelming. Original article…

By Albert

Groningen: A Winning alternative to Amsterdam

My hometown is mentioned on CNN travel as one of the 17 places to visit in a modern-day Grand Tour of Europe. "Young and hip, Groningen is a winning alternative to Amsterdam. The canals and classic Dutch buildings are all in evidence, but without the bustling…

By Albert

Simultaneous green lights for bikes ...

For outsiders cycling in Groningen leaves an impression of utter chaos. Groningen is a cycling city, 60% of all traffic movement is done on bike. For me growing up with bikes in Groningen it comes as second nature. The awareness of being chaotic to outsiders…

By Albert