Change the Prism font-size

After implementing Prism I wanted to make the default font in which the code was displayed a bit smaller. By default the code font-size seems to be even bigger than the rest of the content.

My first thought was "ehh, just adjust the font-size" but that didn't work very well for the line numbers.

By Albert

MkDocs in a Docker container

For an internal presentation “Text-based tools, not just for nerds” (presentation is mostly in Dutch) I wanted to demo MkDocs with the material theme.

The creator of the mkdocs-material theme already created the Docker image as an alternative way to try the theme.

I wanted to run it with a minimal configuration but no errors and no extra’s. The result is this simple bash script.

By Albert

F5 DevOps NetOps Summit

F5 asked me to give a presentation on my experiences with DevOps at KPN. The Summit was held at the MediaPlaza in Utrecht. A nice location. The presentation was built upon my experiences building a cloud facing IaaS platform. The slides for "DevOps at KPN,…

By Albert

Creating a snapshot via the vRA API

In this post I describe the 6 steps needed to create a snapshot of a VM via the vRealize Automation API. It took me a while to figure out how to verify the state of the request. The short version is that the "state" can be…

By Albert

Prism for syntax highlighting

Prism, is a lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, built with modern web standards in mind. It’s used in thousands of websites, including some of those you visit daily. The paragraph above is from the Prism website, I use Prism in combination with Publii to "supercharge" my…

By Albert

Automount NFS on MacOS, with Synology NAS

First published on 26 January 2019. Updated on 21 October 2019 due to breaking changes in macOS Catalina 10.15. The two breaking changes in the 10.15 release: Go to your Synology and enable the NFS protocol. Go to the shared folder you want to access…

By Albert